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Llama Brew® "U Doo" Plant Food Kit Debuts! The most economical way to buy Llama Brew!

It is finally here! Llama Brew "U Doo" Plant Food Kit has launched. "U Doo" is a way of bringing the power of Llama Brew® to your plants. You can "brew" between 5 and 10 gallons of Llama Brew per kit for the same price as our gallon bottle. But it gets better. The price includes shipping! Our August Special of $12.99 per kit means you pay as little as a $1.30 a gallon. Just "brew" it in your own 5-gallon pail for 3-5 days. Dispense into containers, and "DOO" it again until expended. We have brewed as many as three times with good results. Once the bag is used up, unzip it and spread the contents at the base of you...

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New Llama Brew Product Coming Soon! Llama Brew U Doo Kit

Laboratory Testing has been completed with great results. "Llama Brew U Doo" is a kit allowing you to home brew with little fuss. The box will cost $14.99 and yield between 3 to 5 gallons depending on the strength you want. Our tests have yielded up to three-5 gallon pails before the bag is expended, creating a great value. The expended manure bag can also be used as Potting Mix. Shipping and handling will only be $6.30. Take it out of the box, add it to a five gallon pail and water, cover and in three days you will get "Llama Brew U Doo". Look for our YouTube video called the "The Ring and Run Then and Now".

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Home Page Flowers Grown With Llama Brew®

The slides on the Home Page are flowers grown with Llama Brew® last year (2014). Tulips, daffodils, crocus, gladiolas, were all treated (about 3 ounces each) with Llama Brew® after planting and just when the starts appeared. Despite a frost for the record books in Oregon, we had amazing results on over 4,000 flowers. So can you!

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