Llama Brew® "U Doo Kit" *** New Product
Introducing Llama Brew® "U Doo" Plant Food Kit!!! It is a teabag of Llama Brew. Place in your own five gallon pail. Steep in water for three to five days and now you have five gallons of Llama Brew for the same price, $13.99, as a gallon of our premium liquid. Unlike Llama Brew liquid, it is not pre-filtered, but we provide a complimentary paper filter, and gloves for handling.
The great thing about Llama Brew "U Doo" is it can be reused two to three times making up to 20 gallons. When the bag is expended, unzip it and use as a potting mix on your favorite plants. The llama manure has been naturally processed to use in the teabag.
Shipping costs are included!. Check out our terribly produced video showing it's use on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTRUZqjG3_Y. It is really crappy.